Support our life-saving work to help stop the spread of Coronavirus in India

UNICEF is working with the Government of India and other partners on helping stop the spread and impact of the coronavirus by providing essential supplies including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to protect frontline healthcare workers.

Together we will defeat coronavirus


PPE Kit - 1,998 INR

Contains: Coveralls, Shoe Covers, Medical Gloves, N95 Respirator Surgical Mask and a Face Shield

To help protect front line workers from contracting COVID-19 and spreading it further to others

N95 Masks

15 N95 Masks -4,760 INR

N95 respirators and surgical masks (face masks) are examples of personal protective equipment that are used to protect the wearer from airborne particles and from liquid contaminating the face.


5 PPE Kits - 9,990 INR

Contains: Coveralls, Shoe Covers, Medical Gloves, N95 Respirator Surgical Mask and a Face Shield

To help protect front line workers from contracting COVID-19 and spreading it further to others


Stay Safe