Donate now to protect children from violence

As Internet access expands, violence against children is taking on new dimensions such as cyber-bullying and online sexual exploitation, with damaging and life-changing consequences. 

Adolescents who grow up with violence can see it is a normal part of life. Such beliefs reinforce some of the highest rates of intimate partner violence worldwide. Cultural practices, such as child marriage, also heighten the risks of violence against girls and young women. 

UNICEF’s determination to tackle violence against children is embedded in everything we do, recognizing that this is everybody’s business. We support measures to prevent and respond to violence against children across the region, breaking the silence on this hidden issue and transforming attitudes that allow it to persist.  

We help families and communities to prevent violence

Your generous support is important for the new generation of Greece.


Your donation puts you in good company:

  • UNICEF has helped save more children’s lives than any other humanitarian organization – 90 million since 1990.
  • UNICEF is the world’s largest provider of ready-to-use therapeutic food, a high-protein paste that can bring a malnourished child back to health within weeks.
  • UNICEF immunizes nearly 40% of the world’s children.

UNICEF: for every child