“The recent attack on Okhmatdyt Hospital, the country’s largest medical center for children, is yet another brutal reminder that nowhere is safe for children in Ukraine." -Catherine Russell, UNICEF Executive Director

Children in Ukraine need us now more than ever.

Time and time again children’s lives are being cut short due to the horrific war. Millions of children have been forced from their homes inside Ukraine and across borders with limited access to life’s basic necessities. With each passing day, they are missing out on vital education and are increasingly at risk of depression, anxiety, and other serious mental health conditions. 

UNICEF continues to be on the ground in Ukraine meeting children’s most urgent needs for health care, safe water, and nutrition, while also safeguarding children's rights to education and long-term well-being.

Please donate now to help UNICEF’s ongoing efforts in Ukraine.

Here’s how you can help children in desperate need

Your gift – big or small – will go far toward meeting Ukrainian children’s most pressing needs. When you commit to giving a monthly gift, you can make an even larger impact by giving children in Ukraine the ongoing support they need to rebuild their futures.


Urgent health care support

So, more women and children can access urgent health care support and services


Essential learning supplies

So, children can get a sense of routine and safety, a chance to build friendships and get help from teachers


Cash transfers

So, more children and families have the money to buy basic essentials

Your support, no matter the size, can help provide critical aid and support to children and families in urgent need.

UNICEF is working hard to deliver life-saving supplies to help families survive the crisis

UNICEF and partners are working tirelessly to save the lives of children and their families in Ukraine.

So far this year in 2024, UNICEF, thanks to the supporters like you, has provided-

  1. Health care support and services to nearly 300,000 children and mothers.
  2. Access to safe water and sanitation services for over 2 million people.
  3. Engaged over 340,000 children in formal and non-formal education.
  4. Multi-purpose cash assistance to over 500 families.
  5. Critical child protection prevention and response services to over 1.2 million people.

Help UNICEF provide children and families with the urgent care and support they need to survive this crisis.