Is this a world worth celebrating?



With your support  on International Children's Day we can create a world worth celebrating, for every child.


It's been more than six decades since World Children's Day was established, yet the current state of the world is far from ideal for children. It's disheartening to know that over the past year, children have lost their lives due to armed conflicts, while others have been forced to leave their homes in search of safety from war and extreme poverty. In Europe and Central Asia, poverty is becoming a growing concern for children. Furthermore, there are still millions of children who are struggling to access quality education and essential healthcare services.


Children need to play and be children. Children need their families to be alive. Children need to dream and the help of adults for them to achieve their true potential and fulfill their dreams.


On this year's World Children’s Day, children around the world are suffering more than ever before.

During these challenging times, we turn to children for inspiration.


They teach us to be resilient brave, and hope for a better world. Even in the darkest moments, they show us how to find joy.

On this World Children's Day, we invite you to support our work and spread the message everywhere that children have the right to live safe and be protected.


Together, we can and must do better for the sake of our children.
#ForeveryChild – a world worth celebrating


With your donation you ensure that every child reach their full potential in outcomes relating to health, safety, participation and education, among others.


Your donation puts you in good company:

  • UNICEF has helped save more children’s lives than any other humanitarian organization – 90 million since 1990.
  • UNICEF is the world’s largest provider of ready-to-use therapeutic food, a high-protein paste that can bring a malnourished child back to health within weeks.
  • UNICEF immunizes nearly 40% of the world’s children.
A Syrian girl looks while sitting in her mother's lap in her family's tent in Suruc Camp

The only thing that mattered to UNICEF was reaching children in need. What mattered was achieving results.


The same holds true today. We work day-in and day-out, in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the children and young people who are most at risk and most in need. We work to save their lives. To protect their rights. To keep them safe from harm. To give them a childhood in which they’re protected, healthy and educated. To give them a fair chance to fulfil their potential.


We are UNICEF. We stand for every child, everywhere. And we never give up.