Worlds Children Day

With your donation you ensure that every child reach their full potential in outcomes relating to health, safety, participation and education, among others.
32 years ago, leaders around the world made a promise to children:
 We will ensure your safety.
 We will help you find out.
We will always protect your right to express yourself and have your voices heard.
This year's World Children's Day on November 20 should serve as a reminder of this promise and together we can help fulfill the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Your donation puts you in good company:

  • UNICEF has helped save more children’s lives than any other humanitarian organization – 90 million since 1990.
  • UNICEF is the world’s largest provider of ready-to-use therapeutic food, a high-protein paste that can bring a malnourished child back to health within weeks.
  • UNICEF immunizes nearly 40% of the world’s children.

UNICEF: for every child