Education is a lifeline for children in crisis

UNICEF and partners are on the ground providing learnings materials, rebuilding schools, and supporting teachers in countries like Syria, Yemen, Bangladesh and Sudan. But we need your help to reach more children in need.

I will do everything I can to help my sons complete their education. 
- Fahd, a father from Yemen

The conflict in Yemen forced Fahd and his family to leave everything behind; his job, house, and agricultural land. They now live in a partially damaged school building, which may crumble at a moment’s notice. Without a job, he and his family live off what his neighbors generously give him. Just three days after the family took shelter in the school, it was hit by bombs again.

Despite the circumstances, the school kept operating. Yet, students in classrooms were anxious that the ceiling might fall on them.


Fahd’s son, Ahmed (12) looks at the damaged ceiling of his school in Yemen

Thankfully, the students now attend their classes in a UNICEF-provided high-performance tent while their school is being rehabilitated.

Unfortunately, that’s not just Fahd’s story. There are countless parents like him living in crisis-hit countries like Yemen, Syria, Bangladesh and Sudan. For them, it’s about survival and putting food on the table and so, the education of their children often takes a back seat.

Your support today can help a child living in crisis go back to school.

Donate to make a difference! How can you help?

Send school supplies
Against the odds of displacement, fires burning down learning centres, and Cyclone Mocha’s wrath, classrooms in the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh are filling up with children, excited on the first day of school.

For millions of children living in conflict and crisis, the UNICEF-provided school supplies are their lifeline and hope for a better tomorrow.
Rebuild a school
For children in crisis, a school means so much more. It’s a safe space that protects them from physical dangers, including abuse, exploitation, and recruitment into armed groups. For them, their school is a shield from the harsh realities they face daily.

UNICEF and partners are working on the ground, rehabilitating schools across countries like Yemen and Syria so more children get a safe education environment.
Supporting teachers
Despite facing uncertainty and hardship themselves, teachers in these conflict-hit regions go far and beyond in their effort to keep children learning.

UNICEF and partners are working closely to improve school access and learning for 580,000 children in more than 1,000 schools across Yemen. The project includes paying incentives and regular salaries to more than 35,000 teachers and school-based staff to ensure regular attendance and teaching.
Create child-friendly spaces
“No bullets. One rose for each child”: Majd from Sudan used her drawing to express her experiences during the fighting.

UNICEF and partners are providing psychosocial support through fun activities to children in countries like Sudan, Yemen, Syria, and Bangladesh to help them heal from the trauma.

Empower Change

Your donation can empower children and families in need.

UNICEF impact in 2023

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37.7 million out-of-school children 
and adolescents accessed education in 2023, including 17.7 million in emergencies.

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Over 31.2 million children
reached with learning materials in 2023

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Over 106 million children and families
reached with cash transfers to support them with basic needs

We couldn’t have done it without the donors like you

I was once a victim of a crisis. The experience was tough. The man who accommodated us treated us nicely. I know there are a lot of people out there who need help daily. To me, it doesn't matter whether you have all or not. With the little you have; you can put a smile on someone else's face.

- Ifan, a UNICEF Donor from Nigeria.

UNICEF has established its support for every human being. Their work is worthy of praise. Hoping for more success from your initiatives.

-Abdul Waris, a UNICEF Donor from Afghanistan.

Children are our future, so if their present is dark, our future is dark. We have an authentic channel and organization for supporting social causes. This is what motivates me to continue donating to UNICEF.

-Anurag, a UNICEF Donor from India.

Being a UNICEF donor is an honor and privilege for me. When you make a donation, you give hope and happiness to children who need it the most.

- Gashubije, a UNICEF Donor.

I know that my donations will get to the right people and assist them in their trouble. It makes me feel that I have done something special for those in need. I also believe UNICEF to be a worthy organisation and one which will use the money efficiently where it is most needed.

- Sheelagh, a UNICEF Donor.

It seemed to me, after working with various other organizations, that UNICEF is the most focused on children's needs and the most able. I feel I am able to make a difference no matter how big the task is with an organisation that never gives up!

- George, a UNICEF Donor from UK.

Frequently Asked Questions

UNICEF is the United Nations Children’s Fund, working to protect and promote the rights of every child, everywhere. We work to help the most vulnerable with health care and immunizations, safe water and sanitation, nutrition, education, emergency relief, and more.

Thanks to support from donors like you, we have been able to make a difference for children in need, to save, nurture, and protect the most vulnerable. We are active in over 190 countries and territories and have helped save more children’s lives than any other humanitarian organization.

You can securely make a one-time or/and monthly donation online on our website on the Donate Now button.

Your contribution may be of any amount with no limitations. No donation is too small, and any donation can help save children's lives.

You choose for how long you wish to donate: monthly or only once, and you can easily amend the frequency and amount of your donation or cancel your online giving. In order to contribute to a fundamental change in the lives of vulnerable children, the longer you choose to get involved, the more powerful your donation will be. A child’s life can improve with your long-term, constant support. By donating, you become an active part of the solution and of the change process.

The money raised is used where it is needed for children around the world. For example, to provide learning supplies for children in Yemen or Sudan, offer a rapid and effective response to children affected by the earthquake in Syria or war in Ukraine.

Thanks to the sustained commitment of our donors like you, we are able to offer a rapid and effective response to children around the world.

UNICEF asks for monthly contributions to help us provide sustainable long-term solutions to help children in around the world.

A monthly gift is a recurring gift amount that you choose to send each month, and it is even more impactful because you're helping children every single day.

Your monthly gift will also enable us to plan effectively in our upcoming work, reduce costs and most importantly, reach even more children in need. We couldn't continue our efforts without the support and generosity of monthly donors, and we hope you'll consider joining the UNICEF family.

We will be sending you regular updates in the form of e-mails, digital communication, etc., of the progress that has been made and keep you updated about UNICEF’s work, in the region, and around the world.

UNICEF will send you a payment confirmation receipt through email immediately after the successful payment. If you do not get it, then please email at < >.

Don't hesitate to contact our Donor Helpdesk Team at < >; we will be happy to assist you.

Donating online through the website is just as safe as any other online payment. UNICEF does not have access to your bank card details as that information is secured and protected by the payment processor. UNICEF does not have access to your banking information or card details, but only to the contact details you provide in the donation form. We are currently working on introducing easier payment methods through banking apps available in the country.

The current scope of operations in the region does not include UNICEF receiving material supplies from donors. UNICEF supplies materials like education materials, vaccines, and other life-saving supplies, which are as per the exact specifications required at the ground level and based on consultation with the government and partners.